Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

What is RRT?

RRT, an acronym that stands for Rapid Resolution Therapy, is a therapeutic technique designed for people who feel stuck in an undesirable pattern of feelings, thoughts or behaviors. RRT’s high success rate is the result of eliminating the negative influence of the event without reliving the experience. You can read more about this innovative treatment at

What is EMDR?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic technique designed for trauma grief loss helps with relief from nightmares, panic attacks, anxiety, recurrent and obtrusive thoughts. EMDR helps work on a neurological level to decrease overreaction to stimulus, environmental and personal triggers that create chaos and dysfunction in life and relationships.

What is play therapy?

Play therapy is a type of therapy involving play vs talking there are several types of play therapy, Sheila uses an interactive model of playing with the child having the child lead the play. Play is a child’s first language and can reveal more about the child’s world and conflicts that verbal communication. Play therapy also gives a child an expressive way to resolve their conflicts, traumas, and confusion about life and adults.

What is a family therapist and how is it different from an individual therapist?

A family therapist has additional training usually 1-2 years more than a regular masters degree with an extra practicum, externship and several classes on family dynamics, family therapy models, child adolescent therapy, parenting, sexuality, couples counseling all focusing on a systemic model (how everyone in a family is interconnected and affects each other). So working with a family therapist they would look at the other aspects in a clients life in addition to the presenting problem such as relationship, children, biological family, work, health, living environment, their life as a complete circle and how all these aspects relate to their current conflicts. The therapy then works with all the contributing elements and people that are affecting the client this may occur with working only with the client or at times bringing in family members.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a focused state of relaxation, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis so you can only be hypnotized if you want to be. The stage hypnosis acts are very different and remember the people volunteer to go on stage no one made them and the performer continues to have people come up to stage and some leave to get down to the 15% of the population that is most easily hypnotized. Clinical Hypnosis is about bypassing the conscious mind to work with the unconscious mind to help focus on goals and resources to obtain desired changes. Sheila uses an indirect approach with a natural relaxing environment, like a vacation to the beach, to reduce stress and access natural resources.